The Epitome of Beautiful Decay

April of last year was a time of remarkable changes for me.  To say I was fortunate to have many people in my life willing to help me through my grief is an understatement.  While trying to find myself again, I spent a lot of time behind my camera, trying to find some semblance of beauty in a world made dark.

It was during a rehabilitative trip to rural Iowa, in which we spent two rain filled days getting stuck in the mud, that we stumbled upon this unforgettable house.


Standing completely bare in the middle of a muddy field, it has been left to rot and fade away.  Just a glimpse of the outside is enough to make you wonder how someone could even contemplate leaving it behind.  Even with the faded whitewash and rotting wood pillars, this house has a powerful and undeniable presence.


From the beautiful stained glass windows facing the front porch to the mahogany pocket doors and built in cabinets, everything about this house was obviously done with love and attention to detail.  Even the dining room and kitchen ceilings were crafted with great care.


Even in it’s advanced stage of decay, you can see what this house once was.  While standing among the rotting furniture and garbage littered rooms, I closed my eyes and could just imagine the room filled with warm light and laughter.  It is truly the epitome of beautiful decay, in every sense.


Even though I could photograph just about anything, I believe it is a privilege to capture the underlying beauty of places like this home.  Behind the peeling wallpaper, rotting floors and broken furniture is someone’s story, someone’s mark on the world.  The opportunity to capture it is simultaneously heartbreaking and irreplaceable in beauty.


6 thoughts on “The Epitome of Beautiful Decay

  1. Melanie March 8, 2017 / 9:29 PM

    Beautimus!! …is that a metal ceiling?


    • Jessica Mae Olson March 9, 2017 / 6:47 AM

      It was a metal ceiling! In both that main room and kitchen. It was amazing


  2. Helen March 8, 2017 / 11:04 PM

    The woodwork in this once magnificent home is beautiful, unbelievable. The metal ceiling and stained glass window, wow!


  3. Ethan Christopher’s September 27, 2020 / 10:15 PM

    Any chance you could tell me where it is located?


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